Mar 30, 2015

BEAUTY | Byredo and Grown Alchemist

I’ve been longing for Byredo for such a long time. The price is a little steep though but the quality, design of packaging and the scent makes it worth every penny, with that being said I decided to start out with just their hand cream because I needed one and because I want to carry it around in my handbag.
Mentioning Byredo I can’t skip talking about Grown Alchemist. Grown Alchemist is a brand I’ve come to love dearly. The price is quite reasonable and the products, packaging and range is really good. These two brands truly has all you want in a brand and the aesthetics are amazing.
Byredo ‘La Tulipe’ Hand Lotion || Grown Alchemist Lip Balm

I've been working on another blog as well. I'm not sure which blog I should spend the most time on, but the other blog I'm going to post on more frequently.  A lot of the posts are the same, but there will be added new posts to that blog as well. Please let me know which one you prefer reading my blog on. This one or the other one. I will try to post more frequently on both blogs since I would like to work on my blogging more serious. I've also collaborated with my boyfriend on starting a travel and food blog, please also check that one out if you like :)

This is my other beauty/fashion blog:
Food/travel blog: