Oct 16, 2014


acneacne1Just purchased these lovely boots. I've kinda splurged this month I feel like. But these boots are totally worth it, because I already love them so much. This is quite an investment for me along with the laser for hair removal I've just purchased. I am

Oct 9, 2014


Jeg er vild med disse tynde ringe for tiden. Jeg var lidt tilbageholdende med at bruge 20 dollars på en enkelt ring i frygt for at jeg skulle miste dem, men jeg kunne ikke modstå da jeg så disse to flotte designs. Kvaliteten er fantastisk og jeg elskede get faktum at de er dybt i 14K guld. Den første er en rose gold en fra et firma, der hedder Consider The Wld Flwrs (super fedt navn forresten) Den første kan købes, herog den er så flot! Deres indpakning var så flot og var en fornøjelse at udpakke.
Den anden ring a en skøn regndråbe form som jeg købte fra Tiffany Anne Studios  på Etsy. Det er en smuk tynd ring med et simpelt dog unikt design. Når jeg har den på, får den lov til at komme på som den eneste, men jeg vil gerne købe nogle flere som jeg kan stable, her
Lige så stille og roligt er jeg begyndt at bygge min små tynde ring kollektion - håber bare jeg ikke mister nogle haha.
Hvad synes I om stable trenden?
I'm veryyy obsessed with tiny thin rings at the moment. I was hesitant to pay more than twenty dollars for one because of this fear of loosing them but I couldn't resist when I saw these two designs. First off, the quality is amazing and I loved that they were 14K gold filled. The first rose gold one is by an awesome jewelry company called Consider The Wld Flwrs (look at the name!) This is The Adjustable Rose, here, and it's so pretty! Their packaging was so precious too it was a wonderful experience unwrapping it and reading their little note inside. I was thrilled.
The second ring is a lovely raindrop like that I bought from Tiffany Anne Studios on Etsy. It's a beautiful tiny ring with such a simple yet unique design. I'm wearing it solo right now but I want to buy a couple more to stack on, here
Slowly, I'm building my tiny ring stacking collection - I just hope I don't loose anymore hihi
What do you think of the stacking ring trend? I think it's still going strong and won't leave anytime soon but I'm really enjoying just wearing some nice solitary delicate pieces. It looks so elegant on the hand.
Make sure to check out these great jewelry shops and follow Consider The Wld Flwrs on Instagram, their feed is stunning.

Oct 8, 2014


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I just wanted to share with you this beautiful apartment, that has an amazing use of space and the mirror design making the rooms appear grander. Furthermore I love the crisp white color, which gives the rooms so much brightness :) Source